Week 12!

Discovery Log Week 12: NYU Makerspace and Laser Cutter

For my Ideation and Prototyping class, my partner (Ozema) and I were deciding to see if we want to use laser cutting machine or 3D printer to create our product.

We decided to use laser cutter because it is a lot faster to make multiple prototypes and involves less risk for any failure prints. There is a lot of adjustment and constant surveillance throughout the 3D printing process.

What did I discovered?: I discovered that NYU Tandon Makerspace provides a cutting edge workspace lab created to foster collaborative design projects and gives even greater opportunities for students and faculty to engage in innovative and entrepreneurial activities. I really liked the idea of collaboration and using Ozie's skillset and my strength to create something creative and innovative to our Ideation and Prototyping project. I am excited to see what we can create and present at the showcase.


Steven Yoo

The Sunless Age: Future Dystopia Project

Blindness Prevention Sunglasses: BPGs


  1. Sunglasses Frame

    • Wood: Low-Quality Version

    • Acrylic: High-Quality Version

  2. Sunglasses Lenses: Acrylic​

  3. Hinges

    • Wood

    • Screws

  4. Paint: Low-Quality Version

  5. LED light strip(s)

  6. Lilypad Battery Holder

    • Watch Batteries​

  7. Wires

  8. Soldering/Gluing Tools

Glasses Measurements

  • Frames: 6 inches by 4.45 inches

  • Arms: 5.7 inches by 1.32 inches

  • Hinges: 1.5 inches

Social Inequality (Rich vs. Poor):

The BPGs with LEDs on the exterior frame are the low-quality version because the light doesn’t directly hit the wearer’s pupils via the lenses like with the higher quality version. At a whopping $10,000 per pair, only the rich can afford the higher quality BPGs, and as a result poor people have worse eyesight than the rich (Low quality BPGs cost $1000 per pair).

  • Will include price plaque in front of each type of BPG for final showcase

Inspiration for BPG Design:


  • High-quality sunglasses that the rich can afford​


  • Low-quality sunglasses that the poor can afford

​Video Message From the Future:

Anti-war message warning humans of the dark future to come

  • Explanation of the sunless age

  • Description of glasses and their use (how/why these have become essential to having a decent quality of life)

  • Social commentary?

  • Found footage, home video feel

    • Fisheye lens?

    • Recorded on iPhone?

    • Grainy

    • Interruptions

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